

Competition Founder Introduction

Chen Jiyin, Professor, PhD Supervisor and AssistantDean , School of Journalism and New Media, Xi'an Jiaotong University. Researchinterests including AI media and communication, Data Journalism, radio and filmand television theory, media economy and management,and cultural industries. Heis the Director of the Intelligence Media Research Base of Shaanxi Province,the founder of the Data Journalism Competition in China, and the vice chairmanof the Youth Scholars Association, Chinese University film and TelevisionSociety, who won the title of the “Top 100 Excellent TV” and broadcastingTheory Experts in China; Member of National Gallery of art experts; Member of CCTVprograms evaluation experts tank in China. Special research fellow of Shanghaisocial science innovation researches base (cultural prosperity and new mediadevelopment & Shanghai University) etc.

He is also a member of Association for FundamentalComputing Education in Chinese Universities in Network Technology &Intelligent Media Design Committee and The News and Communication Research institutesof Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the Chinese Union of Public OpinionSurveys.

He was used to be the vice president of theCommunication College and deputy director of the Art Education Center inNorthwest Normal University.

He is the director of the Gansu Province MediaResearch Institute (provincial platform) and the Television Committee of theGansu Province Radio and Television Association; a research assistant at theChina Media Research Center at the University of Westminster in UK, and asemester at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology;

In September 2018, he wrote “Application and Prospectof Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Journalism and Communication” which obtain the instructions of the leading comrades of theCentral Committee in China.

Meanwhile, He is the author of "InternationalPublic Opinion Guidance on China's Trade War" and "The Recommendationof deepen and further the Comprehensively Deepening the Reform " which adoptedby the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and submitted to the CPC CentralCommittee.

He won The Top 100 Excellent TV and BroadcastingTheory Experts in China. He is the founder of Data Journalism Competition inChina. He plays a role as the Vice chairman of Youth Scholars Associaion,Chinese University film and Television Society. Experts ; Member of NationalGallery of art experts ; Member of CCTV programs evaluation experts tank inChina. Special research fellow of Shanghai social science innovation researchesbase (cultural prosperity and new media development & Shanghai University)etc.

He is selected in the book Who' s who of world' sleading experts in IDTV Media management and economics, published ZeljikoRutovic, IAMM- The International Academy for Media Management. Podgorica ,Montenegro.