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The China Data Journalism Competition

Competition Description

With the big data and artificial intelligencetechnology development, data journalism also gradually developed. It makesjournalism more professional and provides opportunities for the transformationof journalism talents.

The China Data Journalism Competition was foundedby Professor Chen Jiyin of the School of Journalism and New Media, Xi’anJiaotong University. It has been successfully held in four sessions so far. The competition has played a huge role in promoting the development of datajournalism. It focused on cultivating a group of practicing professionals whocan adapt to the development of the new media era. It alsogreatly promoted the reform of journalism education in Chinese universities andpromoted the industry's journalism format. At the sametime, the competition promotes the innovative transformation of the industry'snews format in the era of media integration.

Since itsinception, the 4th China Data Journalism Competition has attracted 94universities from Peking University, Renmin University of China, FudanUniversity, Hong Kong Baptist University and so on. It has also attracted 8industries from the Beijing News, DT Finance, Zhejiang Daily, Sichuan Daily andso on. There is a total of 726 teams in the unit, and nearly 3,500 people havesigned up for the competition. A total of 616 works has been received, and thenumber of Internet hits has reached 1.59 million, which creating a newhistorical situation.

The China Data Journalism Competitionwas officially launched on June 16, 2020, and the final round was held in Xi'an(Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour) in September.

The competition is judged by domestic and foreignfirst-class journalism department experts and domestic first-class mediaprofessionals, and provides a series of incentive measures such as bonuses andcertificates for the winners. Media practitioners,relevant professional teachers, college students and those interested in datajournalism can sign up. We also encourage variousforms of cooperation.

This competition does not limit the theme, we welcomehigh-quality data journalism works to participate. You canpresent the topic of your work through in-depth data analysis, paneldiscussions or other forms of research. The contentof the work may involve topics such as politics, economy, environment, education,current affairs, entertainment, culture, poverty alleviation and so on.


   Topicselection (importance, difficulty level)

Data quality (reliability,relevance, degree of processing)

Data analysis (datasupport, negative proof, multiple data)

Data presentation (visualization,text, design matching)

Design (designeffects, creative elements, interactivity)

Technology (webpagecreation, use of visualization tools)


June 17, 2020       Competition launched

August 30, 2020     Deadline for submission

September 25, 2020   Final RoundDate


Individuals or teams (no more than five people)

Works must be original

Electronic version (a web link is better)

Electronic cover and abstract must be submitted

(Electroniccover requirementsThe ratio is4:3, no more than 200K)

Must submit a work description form (Included inthe official website attachment)

Only need to submit the registration form to themailbox when registering

When submitting the work, you should submit the work,the instructor information form, the work description form, and the electroniccover together. (You can compress theminto compressed packages and submit it to cdjc_xj@163. com)

Compressed package naming format: school/unitname-XXX (team leader) team-work name


Email: cdjc_xj@163.com

Competition URL: http://www.cdjcow.com/